The truth is, Ms. Small-Town-Confusion, we place guys like your buddy into the group of, He’s Not Gay, But he’s got Gay Tendencies. What I mean by this is certainly their mannerisms and actions would immediately make one assume, based entirely on observation, they have been homosexual. Yet, while you get acquainted with these males, have actually discussion, and go out together with them, you find they’re not homosexual, they have been simply somewhat effeminate. And, maybe it’s on the basis of the known reality they consult with a lisp, make use of their fingers if they talk, carry man-bags, and like being well-groomed. Those usually do not make a guy homosexual.
Even taste Kayne West does not equal gay. He makes good music. But, then uhm, girl, he is gay if your man is singing in a falsetto voice, songs by, Whitney Houston and Beyonce, and he knows the routine to “Single Ladies.
But, i actually do like he had been upfront with you as he said people think he’s homosexual, and asked in the event that you had an issue along with it. Read More