Couples Live Sex

You state he’s a good man; you say you like being with him; and also you say you’re a longtime audience.

You state he’s a good man; you say you like being with him; and also you say you’re a longtime audience.

On the nightstand where he can see it and let him paint your fucking toenails so you had to know that I was gonna say this: buy some fucking nail polish already and leave it.

And out to have polished toenails—or if your masculinity is really so fragile it shatters under the weight of toenail polish if you really hate it, FOOTPERV, if it freaks you

—then you don’t want to do it once again. But we also gotta state that as off-the-wall intimate demands go, it is a little ask. As a urinal and you weren’t into piss, I would totally give you a pass if you were claustrophobic and your boyfriend wanted to mummify you, FOOTPERV, or if he wanted to use you. Read More