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Then define new segments to record your own information. The legislation of your business group determines which developer descriptive flexfields are displayed. This means that if your enterprise uses multiple business groups that have different legislations, different developer descriptive flexfields are displayed for business groups of each legislation. This style provides basic validation of address data.

Use the Information Types Security window to set up responsibility level access to EITs. To provide extra security for EITs, you must associate each EIT with the responsibilities that should have access to the information. you might record details of an extended leave of absence in an EIT for an assignment and provide access only to managers who need to know. Both special and extra information types use CustomForm and task flow security to restrict access to information. This means that you can restrict access to the information types as part of a specific user process. For example, in a "Transfer to the UK" process you might want to enter additional UK specific information. You could design your user process to include a "UK Info" window as part of the task flow and restrict the window to display only the UK information type.

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The responsibilities displayed belong to the same application as the responsibility that you have used to display the Information Type Security window, for example, Human Resources. If you want to link an EIT to a responsibility from another application, for example, Advanced Benefits, you must access the Information Type Security window from an Advanced Benefits responsibility. If necessary, add the Information Types Security function to your responsibility.

Before a user can access an Extra Information Type , you must attach the EIT to the user’s responsibility. If you do not link your information types to a responsibility, users cannot access your information types. You do not need to do this if you are setting up an EIT for a classification that already exists. Use the Define Task Flow window, or use Oracle Workflow, to define and change task flows to include any new nodes you have set up. Use the Form Customization window to restrict access to specific EITs within the appropriate windows.

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Oracle HRMS provides international address styles for many countries. This style can be used for both location and personal addresses. International address styles are named territory_code_GLB. For example, the Australian international address style is AU_GLB. The following figure illustrates the distinctive appearance of descriptive flexfields. When users click in a flexfield that you have set up, or choose Edit Field from the Edit menu, a window opens, displaying up to 20 segments that you have defined.

  • From the pop-out menu, click on the DWORD (32-bit) Value.
  • Restart your computer from the start menu and when the computer completely restarts, Windows Defender will be disabled.
  • Doing this will put a blue-and-white file in the ‘Windows Defender’ window.
  • Double-click on the ‘DisableAntiSpyware’ DWORD file to open it, a pop-up window will show up.

The windows for all the EITs have the common look and feel of all the descriptive flexfield windows. This means that you can use your new EITs as soon as you save your definitions. Since flexfield definitions are preserved through upgrades, EITs do not require expensive recoding of configured forms with each new release. Do not change the validation on any segment as this may invalidate existing data. To change the address style for any country, redefine those segments you do not want to use.