Starring Rahul Bagga and Manjari Fadnnis, Gaurav Bakshi’s short movie is all about a newly hitched Maharastrian few struggling with a bed that is creaky
Director: Gaurav Bakshi
Cast: Rahul Bagga, Manjari Fadnnis, Pramod Pathak, Aparna Upadhyay
Cot, a brief movie about a newly hitched Maharastrian few experiencing a creaky sleep, is a touch too long and ripe with part play – no pun meant. It really is created up to now another caricatured joint-family setup, but one that’s forced to confront an even more intimate, pushing problem in place of boringly broad home politics. The figures seem like they’re in a soap opera, their thoughts are vivid and heightened, but their situation is inescapably personal – very nearly just as if the director made a decision to “expose” the actual dilemmas of a saas-bahu environment within these stylistic parameters. Read More