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Nest thermostats & Taco SR-504 Switching Relay. Any experience or information on that concern?

Nest thermostats & Taco SR-504 Switching Relay. Any experience or information on that concern?


There is apparently another glitch arriving with all the Nest. The battery voltage drops and needs to be recharged after some time. With regards to goes in that recharge mode it pulls a lot of current. I am hearing rumors that a maximum of two Nests per 40 VA transformer.

2 Nests per 40 VA.Been here https://realmailorderbrides.com/, complete that.

Have actually six Nests in the home.

I have one operating on an old sr-506 with resistors in the areas that just had 18-2 operating in their mind.

one other areas are driven through the Air Conditioning part for the Nest.Absolutely no difficulties with fall outs. The thermostats are 99 % available regarding the application.

On clients systems, we make an effort to pull at the very least 5 cable, often seven cable. I quickly can power it any real way i want. Whether or not the Nest is just doing temperature, it could be driven through the AC part. Yes, the therm acknowledges a combi system, however it is, and has now been a workaround that is great.

We have a couple of words on vapor out there likewise that is powered an 18VA transformer installed on a 1900 field regarding the boiler.

Your post right here actually caught my attention. We have a 3 area setup with TACO zone valves. 2 are managed by NEST thermostats, 1 by way of a old-fashioned thermoregulator. We have just 2 wires operating into the NESTs and have always been finding a buzzing within the NESTs if they take capacity to charge their battery pack. Changing the cables is just too complicated. Alternatively i will be likely to feed energy from a transformer near to each NEST into C and Rc. Any experience whether this may work?

Did your NESTs overload the heating system transformer? My HVAC technology is worried this could take place in my own setup.

“We have one operating on a classic sr-506 with resistors from the areas that just had 18-2 operating for them.” Do you know the resistors for? Read More