Web-quest is one of the most effective models of using the Internet in the educational process.
It is a technology that allows you to work in groups (from three to five people), develops competitiveness and leadership skills.
The web quest contains the following main elements:
an introduction in which the terms of the work must be indicated and the initial situation or task is provided; links to network resources, which contain the necessary material for the web-quest: e-mail addresses, thematic forums, books or methodical manuals from library funds; step-by-step description of the task execution process with an explanation of the principles of information processing, additional accompanying questions, causal schemes, tables, diagrams, graphs, etc.; conclusions, which should contain an example of registration of the results of the task or their presentation, ways of further independent work on the specified topic and the field of practical application of the obtained results and skills.
At the first stage, the teacher conducts preparatory work, introduces students to the topic, formulates the main problem.
The tasks of the web-quest are separate blocks of questions and lists of addresses on the Internet, where you can get the necessary information. The questions are formulated so that when opening the site the student understands the principles for the selection of material, highlighting the main information from all that he finds. This stage of the web-quest has the greatest development potential: when searching for answers to questions, critical thinking, the ability to compare and analyze, classify objects and phenomena, think abstractly is improved. Some management of the process by the teacher can be done by providing a list of questions, dissemination of examples, diagrams.
The next stage is the design of the results, within which the study is comprehended. The work involves the selection of relevant information and its presentation in the form of a slide show, booklet, animation, poster or photo report. Discussion of the results of work on web-quests can be held in the form of a conference, so that students have the opportunity to demonstrate their own practical work. The results of the web-quest for the report can take various forms: database; dialogue, history or example to study; an online document that contains an analysis of an ambiguous situation, informs the main theses and encourages users to add their own comments or disagree with the authors; conducting a pseudo-interview with an expert during the lesson or publishing it on the Internet. At this stage, such personality traits as responsibility for the work done, self-criticism, mutual support and the ability to speak to the audience develop.
You can practice posting the results of work on a web-quest on the Internet on specialized sites, thus achieving three goals: students understand that the task is material and high-tech; they get an audience interested in the results of their work; they have the opportunity for feedback from the audience.
The final stage is the evaluation, but it is mandatory for the web-quest to announce its principles in advance (before starting work). Evaluation criteria may be different (presentation time, originality, innovation, etc.). The assessment summarizes the experience gained by the student in performing independent work using web-quest technology. In the tasks on some topics it is logical to include in the https://123helpme.me/animal-farm/ final part of rhetorical questions that will stimulate the activity of search work.
What is the structure of the web quest lesson? The beginning of the lesson has the basic elements characteristic of other lessons: organizational part, motivation of educational activity, actualization of basic knowledge.
The presentation of new material is according to the scheme: task – question – work with Internet resources – return to the question, analysis of the received information – transition to the next question. Giving answers to each of the questions, we get the result, ie the solved problem, which was set at the beginning.
When preparing and conducting such a lesson, it is important to clearly understand the role of each participant in the educational process and to assign their responsibilities to achieve maximum effectiveness.
The student must:
formulate known conditions of the task; identify necessary but unknown information; find them; analyze, process, summarize and discuss the identified information; to decide to what extent, taking into account the information found, the task field has lost (or acquired) a problematic character; summarize the information found; draw up the results of work.
provides several links to the desired Internet resources that will set the intonation, search accents; provides several cultural samples that serve as a guide for comparison and can show a range of opinions on the problem; develops forms with clear formulation of evaluation criteria; controls the search process.
Recommendations for conducting a web quest:
Identify search keywords (whether to change them at different stages of resolution) find the necessary information on the Internet; analyze and discuss the information found; if necessary – adjust your keywords and repeat the search; formulate a conclusion and discuss it (did you answer all the questions? If not – repeat another cycle of information retrieval and processing).
The technique of web-quests activates the learning process, helps to increase the individualization of learning and its quality.
Web-quest is one of the most effective models of using the Internet in the educational process.
Web-quest is a problem task for which information resources of the Internet are used.
Web-quest is a lesson format focused on the development of cognitive, search activities of students, in which much of the information is obtained through Internet resources.
Web-quest is a didactic structure in which the teacher improves the search activity of students, sets them the parameters of this activity and determines its time. The teacher ceases to be a source of knowledge, but creates the necessary conditions for finding and processing information.
Such activities turn students into active subjects of educational activity, increasing not only the motivation for the process of acquiring knowledge, but also the responsibility for the results of this activity and their presentation. This technique is modern and promising, has a number of advantages, deserves wide implementation in the educational process.
Author: Ilchenko Elena Vasilyevna Position: teacher.
The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas “LESSON”
It is strictly forbidden to use this material on other Internet portals and in the media, as well as to distribute, translate, copy in any way without the written permission of the educational portal Osvita.ua.
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The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas “LESSON”
It is strictly forbidden to use this material on other Internet portals and in the media, as well as to distribute, translate, copy in any way without the written permission of the educational portal Osvita.ua.
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The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas “LESSON”
It is strictly forbidden to use this material on other Internet portals and in the media, as well as to distribute, translate, copy in any way without the written permission of the educational portal Osvita.ua.
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